Oxygen Level Booster - Strength Your Lungs


This App will tell you about "How can you boost your oxygen level naturally?" I think, you have know the concept of oxygen, if you still have the doubt of understanding the oxygen problem, I can explain it in simple words. 

Our lungs takes the oxygen and exhaule the carbon dioxide. If your lungs have weaken, you ability to get oxygen will decrease and that is called body oxygen crisis. 

1. By yog and breathing exercises, we can increase our lungs capacity and increase the oxygen in the body
2. Plant more trees
3. Avoid unnatural food for mind and physical body will also help to boost oxygen
4. Do regular exercise will help to boost oxygen level in the body

Additional Information


June 9, 2021

Current Version


Content Rating 

Rated for 3+


This app has access to:

Wi-Fi connection information
view Wi-Fi connections


receive data from Internet
view network connections
full network access
run at startup
prevent device from sleeping

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